Monday, December 27, 2010

The comfy life (can't i keep it? pretty please?)

 Bear with me, this is my first post on a very rough and still to be organized blog. I couldn't wait to write until I had all the annoying details sorted out, that's just not me. I'm too "big picture" to fix the font in the heading before writing my first post. I'm also too impatient.
 I'm impatient in a lot of ways, about a lot of things. I haven't even left for midwifery school yet, and I already want to be finished... No wait, I'm going to call that motivation, not impatience. Hm. Much better.

Have you ever heard the saying that comfortable isn't always best? Or anything else along those lines? I'm thinking bible-type analogies too, like the wide road not being the best to take, although it may be the easiest/most comfortable than the narrow path...It seems to be a pretty common line of thought. But stopping to consider.. something about it just doesn't make sense to me. Why do we crave comfort as humans, if its not necessarily what's best for us? I want comfort in every way and in every aspect almost more than anything else. And to tell you the truth, I'm very nearly there. Comfortable, I mean.

 Take this moment for example. I got home from work half an hour ago, and I'm curled up in the middle of a big old, worn in and worn out couch, beside a big fat purring cat, sipping delicious tea and giggling over funny blogs and chatting with friends on facebook; my huge dog snores, head snuggled comfily across my lap. It's two days past Christmas 2010. My husband and I spent the last week with family; snowboarding, tubing, skating, making cookies, singing carols (yes really), and eating a LOT of delicious food. My house smells like the pumpkin spice candles I got for christmas, and Ella Fitzgerald is crooning about sleigh bells and mistletoe.

.....Right now, I cannot for the life of me remember why I want to leave any of this (never mind ALL of it) to travel all the way across the globe, pay an extreme amount of money to attend school for something I have no idea if I'll actually, really love doing in the end, and spend 3 whole years away from almost everyone and everything in the world that I love right now.
...No Seriously. Someone please remind me why in the world I'm doing this.
...Because comfortable isn't always best. Then what is?

 Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: love your neighbour as yourself.' All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments."
(matthew 22:37-40 NIV)

That is.

That's all.

That's the point.

I think sometimes, when I'm comfortable, I forget. Because whats the point in doing anything, if you're already comfortable. There's no point in learning how to love God more, or bothering with neighbours or whatnot. "No thanks, I'm good". "I'm comfortable here. Thanks but no thanks God, I'll stay put"......I suppose that is an option.
 But if by leaving behind the comforts of home I also leave behind my resistance to change and growth, than maybe, just maybe, this uncomfortable stuff might have a point to it.
 If by leaving behind the comforts of home I also leave behind my "who needs God if I have my ___ ?"( insert: husband, dog, house, family, sanity etc etc etc) attitude, than maybe, just maybe..
it's worth it. (maybe).

a few of my comforts...


  1. seriously wow Kait...I know, stay home and just write, you are awesome at it! No, just kidding, I love to watch you fly, am honored to be your mom and friend and can't wait to see where you fly to next, because I know you know He will already be there, waiting...

  2. Love it Kait.... made me think...... I hear your heart a bit.... I hope that us here, that are staying home, can be a prayer support for you... and it will be amazing to see your new home become your comfort.... as long as you are following God... and I know you are... then something good will come of it... who knows if you'll be a midwife when it's all done...I DO know you will be a stronger, more confident woman of God... and no matter what, that is good!!
    I love you!!!

  3. God never gives you more than you deserve....and there is nothing worse than being at the end of your days and saying "I regret." Life is a gift meant to be lived, darling Kait. Start your journey, you'll always be guided the way you're meant to go.
